Tuesday 23 June 2009


i know how to spell eye shadow....mistake below was a typo!!! hehe!!

Drug store eye shadow swatches....all great quality so far! xx

Swatches of the haul I just posted...the lip products xx

Yay for lunch time and post work haul!!!

Hey Jess,

I bought some cosmetic dreams recently. There is a great superdrug on the Strand and as you can imagine, I am often drawn to it like a moth to the flame everytime I enter and leave Charing Cross station!!! :\ On top of this I found the MAC store in Covent Garden on my lunch break today.....oh dear.....some hauling has happened.

First with MAC....I only got one thing....very good for me!!! But believe me there are plenty of other items on my wish list.

I got Rubenesque paint pot (a great base) its a golden colour with coral/pink undertones.

Then in Superdrug I purchased....

Revlon colourstay eyeshadow quad in Blushed wines (great burgandy neutrals)
Revlon Matte lipstick in 'pink pout' (002)
Revlon colourstay mineral lipglaze in 'continuous pink' (525)
(on offer three for two)
Bourjois eyeshadow in 'blanc diaphane' (90)
Bourjois effect 3D lipgloss in 'rose idyllic' (3)
Borjois effect 3D les nudes in 'brun poetic' (33)
(again on offer three for two)
Finally....Sleek mineral based eyeshadow palette....'the original: DIVINE'

So what do these lovely's look like.....

Sunday 7 June 2009


Hello there...
Im Kat and this is my brand new blog all about make up and beauty!! Yay!!
I love reading other blogs of this nature and also watching beauty related videos on youtube so I decided to create my own...
My bezzie pal Jess has encouraged this and she is also going to get her own blog all about fashion and styling. We tend to spend a great deal of time chatting about make up (mostly from my side) and fashion (mostly from her side) and now that conversation can continue on line.
I hope you enjoy.
Lots of love,
Kat xoxo
ps. Way to Love is my shout out to the MAC lipstick from the 'Rose Romance' collection, i heart that a lot!